Lil Baby Makes Controversial Comments About Racism \"Black People Are Racist Too\"

Lil Baby Makes Controversial Comments About Racism \"Black People Are Racist Too\"

Hot97 Staff
07/23/2020 12:00 AM EDT
Lil Baby may have landed himself in some hot water with his latest comments about black people and racism.In a recent interview, the rapper discussed his point of view on police brutality, the justice system, systemic racism. “I’ve been a victim of police brutality, I’ve been in prison where white officers control you. I’ve been in a court system where white judges give you a different time than they would give someone white. There have been times I had a physical altercation with an officer, and he then grabbed me and took me to a room where there’s no camera.” He went on to say that it’s doesn’t matter what color you are, everyone can be racist. “To me, a racist is someone who treats a different race than theirs a different way than they would treat theirs. I feel like if you’re a black person and you treat all black people one way and all white people one way, you’re racist.”Do you agree with Lil Baby?